I recently got a new Canon EOS Rebel T1i. In addition to (eventually) allowing me to take much better pictures (once I figure out
how to), the T1i is capable of taking 1920x1080 "full" HD videos. I use quotation marks because the frame per second sample rate is not the same as the HD videos we see on TV or in fancy climbing DVDs, but it is a HUGE improvement over my cheap Kodak point-and-shoot.

I plan to use the camera to again start making internet shorts and posting them here. I do have the ultimate hope of producing something full-length that I could burn to a DVD and sell for the benefit of the Access Fund or Washington Climbers' Coalition. For now, however, I'm still in the testing phase: figuring out how to take decent videos with a fully manual camera, and finding an editing program that can handle a large Quicktime format and provide a complete range of editing features.
Here is my first test video: Johnny Goicoechea repeating his climb Chutzpah at the River Boulders in Index. Be sure to click on the "HD" and "full screen" links for the full value version.
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