I went up to Gold Bar with Kyle and Joel for a while last week to try climbing in the snow. It had snowed several inches in the last day or two up there, and conditions were pretty rough, but we had fun. We managed to drive about halfway up the hill before the road became too frozen, and we walked to the top. An hour or so on the Equinox boulder was the best climbing we had, as it was sunny and relatively warm. I think it was 20 degrees at the car... and breezy. It felt great to be outside nonetheless.

We spent the rest of the day walking around the woods and climbing on a couple of obscure problems. It was gorgeous seeing snow up the hill... the only time I'd seen fresh snow in the clearcut was the night that Joel and I camped at the top of the hill in the pouring rain last fall, only to wake to six inches of snow and a very slippery journey down the hill. I spent most of the day gawking at the beauty and taking pictures. My skin is still in poor shape, and it's hard for me to climb at all, but it did feel great to be outside.

Cassie Lovin' The Snow

Kyle on Twisted

Joel on Twisted

Joel on the Road to Zion wall

Kona's Mal-Adapted Snow Boots

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