Jessica working the Fridge Left
After hanging out at the Fridge for a while, Jess went to work and Cortney and I went up to try an unclimbed dihedral on the same clean face as Kyle's line From Russia With Love. Johnny had come close to climbing this problem a couple weeks earlier, and I wanted to see how it felt to me after two years away from it. It still felt hard, though a little better. Maybe I could send this one with a bit more work. Johnny will probably send it first try on his next visit... it's a good thing I'm not competitive. Anyhow, our plan had been to come home on Saturday evening, but we felt the need for another night under the stars, so Cortney and I headed up to Mt. Home and camped for the evening. On Sunday, we climbed for an hour before starting the drive back over the mountains. I was feeling pretty frustrated on Sunday evening as I sat in the library trying to focus on the immense amount of reading I had, and I was playing catch-up until I stayed late to finish old assignments on Tuesday night. I'll finish all my work for Monday before I take off this weekend...