Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Newish Index Problem

I've been slacking a bit on posting recently, mostly because I can't really do it from work, and when I'm not at work I've been trying to get out climbing as much as possible. I do have some pictures and videos saved up though, and I'll try to do a better job of getting them posted over the next couple weeks. My uncle Kent Clayton gave me a hard time for not posting any pictures or videos of myself, so I'll try to do a better job of being less modest as well.

For now, here is a video of me climbing a small but quality problem that John Stordahl recently put up in Index. It is located near the Zelda Boulders cluster. It's about 100 yards from the big fin boulder, which basically points towards it; walk around an open, swampy area and find this problem just east of a small cluster of mini-boulders... not great directions, but we found it with less to go on. Enjoy!

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